.Obstetrics and Gynecology has been functioning since Hospital?s establishment in 2002.
The department of Obstetrics and Gynecology has been functioning since Hospital?s establishment in 2002. This department of OB-Gyn handles about thousand cases each every year. It has been giving the best OB-Gyn care to women of in and around Kongu Region. This department has developed a very good name in the field for routine OB-Gyn care. Advanced care in Neonatology also helps the patients to feel safe and comfortable scene even after critical pregnancy. Here, we handle all kinds of minor and major obstetrics, Gynec and gynec-Onco cases. This Department conducts cost-free pre and post pregnancy classes on daily basis. This session includes the topics : nutrition, exercise, practices during pregnancy and post delivery, new born care, importants of breastfeeding, weaning of child, etc
Head of the Department